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Life Talk!

do u believe in GOD?



in islam we believe in one GOD, ALLAH!!

12:59 AM Sep 20 2007 |

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11:03 AM Nov 27 2007 |



If God shows happy,then i believe it ,IF it shows sad ,i will resist it

01:39 PM Nov 27 2007 |



United Kingdom


tell me better now what your god offers you in exchange for your subjecting?

I think it is more interesting. tell me what benefits you are looking forward to?

you know…it would be ok for me if your belief had been disinterested. but it isn't, is it?

it is sad…

02:50 PM Nov 27 2007 |



Russian Federation

  Excuse me, Medooza…
 am….what do you mean? I can't make out.
Do u wanna say that we believe only for some pragmatical purpose? or what? Don't you think it sounds..at least ridiculous?

03:58 PM Nov 27 2007 |






04:19 PM Nov 27 2007 |


United States

I do not believe in a god, I am an atheist. I grew up with moderate christian parents, but I came to my conclusion at the age of 12. I would sit and think about it, but the idea of a god made less and less sense everytime. My opinion hasn't changed in nearly 7 years. I don't know why people say things like "if you want God in your life, just ask and he'll come" because when I first became atheist I really didn't want it (I didn't know any other atheists, and the idea of death scared me as much as anyone else.) But of course, my belief didn't change, I just can't deny the reality of the world. Now I'm very happy as I am, and I wouldn't change a thing!
 Also, I just want to say it (nobody here said it yet, I'm glad. But it's commonly said when people think of atheists.) YES WE CAN HAVE MORALS. It's called "Humanity." It's doing something (or not doing something) because your conscience tells you it's right(or wrong.)

05:11 PM Dec 12 2007 |



Russian Federation

 Dearest Kappamaki, OffTheWall, Komodia and everryone else who is an atheist and happy with what they are. It's ok what you say, it's your won choice. Neither me, nor anyone else of mortals can change your opinions, coz it's beyond our possibilities. Just one little thing about morals. I do not and have never said that atheists have no moral and do not behave in a right way. Of course many of them do, as well as some of those who call themselves worshippers may misbehave.
 The point is…how did u know what is good and what is bad? Someone told you about being a human
and being kind to others. You are taught not to kill and steal, to respect parents and be faithful to spouses. Have you ever thought it looks pretty the same as EVERY kind of religious doctrine says? When the mankind was pagan, that is being on the elementary ans just the first level of development, people had no ideas about sin. Killing others was not appreciated of course, but what about human sacrificions? What are those norms of moral we ALL have now? Where did we take them from? And what would be with us, if we remained pagans? Would we still exist at all?

05:58 PM Dec 12 2007 |


United States

It's interesting that you bring up human sacrifices, which were done for religious reasons. =P 
 Though really, we weren't necessarily taught to do/not do certain things. Nobody ever told me, "Don't cheat on your boyfriend." But yet, I still don't do it. Nobody ever told me to take care of injured animals, but when I found a baby bird had fallen out of her nest last year, I took her to the shelter anyway.   The truth is, for most things, we don't NEED to be taught if it is right or wrong. Are children born wanting to kill others? Of course not. Unless that child has had some traumatic experiences, I doubt they'll want to harm anyone at all (sibling arguments excluded.) A parent doesn't have to tell their child, "Don't kill anyone!" do they?   The way I see it, it's all the Golden Rule. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Do I want to be hurt? No, so I assume that others don't want to be hurt either. It's really very simple, and it's something many people think of on their own- they don't need to be told about it. 

06:24 PM Dec 12 2007 |



Russian Federation

 Great))) You just prove my words. Our society is soaked with these Golden Rules.
 WHY and HOW did we know what is good and what is wrong? Tell me. I'm really interested. Do the babies already have ideas about faith, kindness, love, hope, respect? Do they really? And what will they become if are are excluded from the human society? Will they all become Mothers Teresas? )) I don't wanna say human nature is 
basicly vicious. I'm not the one who belives in the "Lord of the flies". But still i am neither the one who believes in "Mowgli".

06:46 PM Dec 12 2007 |


United States

"Lord of the Flies" was a desperate situation. Morals only work to the extent that one's survival allows them (beyond that, you'll become a martyr for those very morals.) You may say now that you would never kill someone, but in a desperate situation where it's "kill or be killed", who knows what you would do? 
 Babies don't have "ideas" about anything. They don't have any reason to question things like kindness, love, etc., because usually, it's all they've ever known. If they had no people around to care for them and instead, perhaps, they were raised by wild dogs, then they would learn to cope in order to survive- morals wouldn't matter in that situation. It's just about living. 

07:14 PM Dec 12 2007 |