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Homosexual marriages legalized in Australia




Under the new laws, gay couples will be able to hold a legally recognised civil union ceremony in front of friends and family in the territory, which is home to the capital Canberra and the nation's parliament.

The region's legislators approved the bill, which moved by the local Greens party.

Andrew Barr, an ACT minister who is in a gay relationship, wept as he spoke in support of the bill.

"Love, trust and intimacy and commitment are found at the heart of all good relationships," Mr Barr later told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

"I'm proud that this parliament will send that signal that my relationship with Anthony is equal to any other."

The law was drafted so that it does not contravene national legislation which says that civil unions must not mimic marriage.

"We understand that this is not same-sex marriage," said Greens MP Shane Rattenbury, who drafted the bill.

"This legislation is another step along the road to full equality for same-sex couples in Australia, and we are delighted that the assembly has passed it today," he added.

However, the law could still be struck down by Australia's attorney-general, who overturned similar legislation in February 2008 on the grounds it broke national marriage laws.




[The homosexuals aren't still given the rights to adopt a child or get a child via artificial insemination.] 


07:15 PM Dec 12 2009 |

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Suicide is a crime? Never heard.

I meant the rape not the suicide! i wrote wrong sorry!


I'll not say anything else, since Mr. Pmosh answered it.

There are still not open-minded people that just love to descriminate and love to be superior than others! Though I'm not worried! you guys will live in a world where homossexuality will be allowed, and soon it will be so normal as womans are now at work! new times, new changes! 

I apreciate about what they fight for! And I'd like to ask all of you, to imagine yourselves as gay or lesbian. Imagine how hard your life would be if you are in a society that dont accept you. And imagine you , because of that, you will be like a straight, but you'll be unhappy all yourlife, you'll live a lie..

Again, is all very beautiful to say out of our mouths, when we are already served!


12:18 AM Dec 21 2009 |



Russian Federation

The rate of homosexuals is the indicator of society illness.


Who say that?

I said that, Mister. Isn't it enough for you? Don't you respect others' opinion?

The Buble Gum Chewing Encycolpeida?

Never read it. I see you read extraordinary books.

The Vodka Drinking Wisdom?

Something new for me too. Please expand it.

Wich historic reference are based on?

Study history. Likely you'll find the reference.

C'mon be searious.

I'm serious.

The society where state accepts homosexual marriages is deeply sick and has no future. And that has nothing to do with the human rights and freedom.

Of course, of course. You know what?


The same used to say ancient people about women.

I thought it was matriarchy at the time. :O

And to banned gay marriege has nothing to do with human rights, 'cause gay people came to this earth from the FAGx planet, and are born like Pikoro dai Maku.

Don't mix immiscible. I mean marriage and human rights.

I mean they are no human at all, so any law that threat their freedom is not a human rigth violation.

Is there a law in your country that violate the human rights of homosexuals and restrict their freedom?

08:25 AM Dec 21 2009 |



Russian Federation

<!- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } ->

There are still not open-minded people that just love to descriminate and love to be superior than others!

It's very subjective to decide who is open and who is narrow minded. If somebody don't agree with your opinion it doesn't mean that he/she is narrow-minded. Instead, maybe it's you who is narrow-minded who can't and maybe don't want to understand opposite point. Think about it.

Though I'm not worried! you guys will live in a world where homossexuality will be allowed, and soon it will be so normal as womans are now at work! new times, new changes!

That is exactly that scares me. Considering that only a tiny part of homosexuals are born exactly as homosexuals, the rest great amount of them are created by the environment. And this amount is growing. That is that leads our world to disaster.

I apreciate about what they fight for! And I'd like to ask all of you, to imagine yourselves as gay or lesbian. Imagine how hard your life would be if you are in a society that dont accept you. And imagine you , because of that, you will be like a straight, but you'll be unhappy all yourlife, you'll live a lie..

And what do they fight for? And whom do they fight with?

09:39 AM Dec 21 2009 |

Mr. Pmosh

Mr. Pmosh

Dominican Republic

1. You did not quote any historic reference, so…

2. Yes, your opinion is enough to recognize it as it is: your opinion. But in account that your are based in an weak argument, is not enough to make a mayor approach.

3. When I said "ancient people" I was refering the middle agge, not the prehistoric age.

4. -Don't mix immiscible. I mean marriage and human rights.

  When americans used to say (and some still do) that in Russia, Human Rights weren't repected at all, I always thought it was a bunch of cold war american bullshit. But now reading your comment, I believe have to think my opinion about that twice. I posted this in a older post, but to refresh your memory:


Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.  Article 16 
  1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, .... have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
  2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

This is taken form the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, so any failure against this law, yes is a FAILURE AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS. And this one has three articles broken.

To be open minded means that your able to appreciate new ideas, even if you do not like it. Is to always imagine yourself in the positions of others before say any opinion, instead of say immediatly:

"That is exactly that scares me. Considering that only a tiny part of homosexuals are born exactly as homosexuals, the rest great amount of them are created by the environment. And this amount is growing. That is that leads our world to disaster."



"I prefer that Allah take my soul before I even dare of imagine myself in their situation…."



03:16 PM Dec 21 2009 |




I'm starting to love this guy !

Mr. Pmosh, you're undestructable! you ''destroy'' their answers! You said it all!

09:05 PM Dec 21 2009 |



it was also allowed the gay marriage on portugal last week!

I just dont remember which day!

As you guys can see, slowly all world will accept! or may I say the NEW WORLD will accept!


10:52 AM Dec 22 2009 |

Mr. Pmosh

Mr. Pmosh

Dominican Republic

Two thumbs up for Mexico!!!!

12:43 PM Dec 22 2009 |




When americans used to say (and some still do) that in Russia, Human Rights weren't repected at all, I always thought it was a bunch of cold war american bullshit. But now reading your comment, I believe have to think my opinion about that twice.

Holy shit! Who's saying that? Some chump from a banana republic? It seems we have a new plot of democracy in the world now… Dominican republic!

The Vodka Drinking Wisdom?

Another example of "american propaganda bullshit"?  or a chapter from "Stereotypes for Dummies"??

I'm starting to love this guy !

I knew there was something wrong about you two gu(a)ys…

Though I'm not worried! you guys will live in a world where homossexuality will be allowed, and soon it will be so normal as womans are now at work! new times, new changes!

No time for slogans. Save them for the next gay parade.

01:07 PM Dec 23 2009 |



I think I wouldn´t have like to have gays parents….how can u explain this to a child???:


same way you explain for example to a child that you're a mum and he is a father! and same way you say that children come from a  stork!

None will tell a child '' you came from me and your daddy! he made sex with me, and you were the result of it'' , will you? LOL

I'm just joking a little!

But well since you do support gays, but you dont support them in the addoption, tell me one thing, would you prefer a straight couple have a child and leave him on the street, most of them die, or even the children on a orphanate or would you prefer a gay couple adpot them, giving them confort, love, and all they need!

Believe me, you dont know what is living in an oprhanate, i've a friend at school, she is from an orphanate [ok not exactly an orphanate it has another name, and she has no parents nor family], she is all alone, and she doesnt have the love we had! she told me that she would love to have alittle bit of love, a family, a house, being in the X-mas with someone, etc etc! When the Gay marriage was accepted she supported and now about the adoption question, she also supports because if someone wants to adopt mainly want to give love, give to a child love, confort…

Gays have also the right to have a family, to be happy just like you guys do. why cant you guys understand this? what so wrong do you guys see? Are they sinners? there are alot of worst things in the world and you guys dont care about it!

Happiness and human rights should be accepted, and descrimination should be ended! 

You're a person, I'm a person, they are people! They being gay, straight, bi, assexual, pentassexual, whatever, it is just a fucking sexual behavior!! it is a life style they want to follow, that they had born with or simple developed it!

It is their option, just like your option is to be straight, or to be religious or not! to smoke or not, to drink or not, to fuck or not!!! got it?

what is you guys problem? 

You guys supporting or not is one thing, but descriminate is another! 

Why not forget the steriotips and lets live this life happily? and forget the preconceits?!




exactly, every child has a right to have normal parents,

not gays parents !!!

Every child has the right to receive love from any parents! being or not ''normal'' as you say! Like i refered above, there are normal parents that abandon their children . are they PARENTS?



02:48 PM Dec 23 2009 |

Mr. Pmosh

Mr. Pmosh

Dominican Republic

@ Luzma and Rossella

I already answered in an older post:

"In addition, I've seen long terms gay couples that had raised childrens, and those childrens are totally normal (and no, they did not turned gay), wich prove that gay couples are totally able to create a solid healthy family."

Actually they assume this relity pretty well, as they can assume they only have one parent or a divorce. This persons (childrens raised by homosexuals) has no psychological problem we can adduce is due to their situation. Unless they like Liza Minelli XP.


1. When I replied kunstka with the sarcasm "Drinking Vodka Wisdom", I did not mean any stereotypes at all. Actually I said that 'cause in the Dominican Republic youth that's the #1 alcohol beverage. This has nothing to do with your "Stereotypes for Dummies" wich one you obviouslly like to read book. When I said it I was trying to note the kunstka's efforless of do some resourches by saying what he said, with the another sarcasm "Bubble Gum Encyclopedia". But of course you need a higher IQ to understand it.

2. I've never said Dominican Republic is the nest of democracy. Instead, I always had complained about the corruption tha makes my country unsafe, unrespectable, and as the NATO said last year a "failed state", and I don't recommend anyone to came here to live. But to recognize that I had to studied a lot.

3. I read every time I can "National Geographic", and in their reports, they used to describe the Post-soviet Russia is controled now by the kremlin, the Orthodox Church is winning a lot of influence, a lot of corruption and they are really "oil hunrgy" (yeap, written by american reporters) and the image I've taken is that the last thing they have in mind is Human Rights.

4. You talked abot "Stereotypes for Dummies", but let's see something:

 a)Some chump from a banana republic?

 b) Save them for the next gay parade.

 I think that appears in your post, am I rigth? So 'cmon, save your doubles standars bullshit and stay at home. At least Rossella, kunstka and luzma are educated grown up persons, but you my friend…........

03:58 PM Dec 23 2009 |