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Life Talk!

Why do you defend Islam ?




I want to say something..

Lots of people defend this religion..Ok I understand because it is your religion..I defend my religion too !

But in these countries : Uzbekistan, Iran, Azerbejdzan , Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc… are always wars !  Lots of people die.. Lots of polish people are killed there !Lots of children are occupied there.. mother with children!

or Bin Laden.. He is from one of these countries.. and as we know he caused the attack to World Trate Center.. ! and there died lots of people !

Secondly… ( I don't want to start topic about sex again ) but you say it's bad..it's sin.. but we can make sin and then we confide.. sins are so that we do them and then we confide, right ? From all sins we can confide!


For catholic is stupid and forbid to have 2,3,4 wives! We MUSN'T have more than 1 wive/husband.We must  choose good wife/husband for all our life..when we marry we swear to love unti death. When we get doforced it is BIG SIN… maybe as big as SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE… so you can do it.. coz you have more than 1 wife..! so Understand it.. that we can do sex before marriage.. Thx it we can have experience ;)


Sorry that almost whole my topic applicable Muslim or Islam.. But I really want to know it.




04:17 PM Jun 03 2009 |

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So this is Islam Vs Christanity!

You presented a list abt islam and would get another abt Catholic Christanity.

All these lists are TRUE!

All the religions have their own Rapists, murderers, dictators, war-mongers, terrorists, grabbers, fanatics, mis-Leaders and a lot of blind followers!

All the Gods, though almighty, but incapable of managing their systems and need some stupids to defend them- atleast some of these followers think so- and it is going to be a fine list of them!

So keep on defending your Gods and your faiths!

04:56 PM Jun 03 2009 |





I don't defend Islam but I don't think so that this is bad religion. All religions have these same main similar rules.

I think that first of all you shuld more read about history and politics these countries becuse I see that you don't know too much.

Islam prohibit kill  innocent people. Islam isn't reason these wars.

History and politics these countries is very difficult. This is very very long topic.

And muslim man  has max. 4 wifes, not 5 ;) But only about 5% muslim men have more than one wife. Of course for me this isn't good becuse I'm Christian

I see that you don;t know too good also your religion .

In Christian also is prohibite  make sex before marriage . I know that we can confess but God forgive our sins only when we really regret.



05:05 PM Jun 03 2009 |




Alexis ;)I know thatsex beofre marriage is forbid in our religion . ;)

but almost 90% don't  observe it ;)


yaa but us we know Poland had only 2 wars.. :) and we won, however germany killed lots of people.. And is those countries are always wars.. 

maybe it isnt caused for them.. but us we know God forbid wars. :)

and only in Islam are lots of wars..

05:40 PM Jun 03 2009 |



Syrian Arab Republic

i defend islam coz it give an answer about any Q 

Don't go far away .. Islam can answer all your questions about God!

 For catholic is stupid and forbid to have 2,3,4 wives!

and for catholic is stupid and forbid to make sex befor get married..

and only in Islam are lots of wars..

what about America and Israel!!

05:55 PM Jun 03 2009 |




I read a bit Quran…. And also they read about bit wives :D what about it ? :) heh.. Special my Priest gave me Quran and showed me about it.. I read.. rly, rly sad.. 

here is forbid to bit women..we can go to thepolice and boys will be in the prison ;)


Why did you know that I am not good Christians? Coz I don't support lots of things in Islam ?


btw.. for me it isn't stupid to make sex before marriage.. I think for 80% girls in Poland it isn't stupid :)



06:12 PM Jun 03 2009 |



Syrian Arab Republic

pati want to know about something that she doesn't ready to read about it .. or she will curse us !!!! how you will get the answer pati ?

if i will count advantages of Islam . i don't know how i start or end !!!

06:17 PM Jun 03 2009 |



Syrian Arab Republic

btw.. for me it isn't stupid to make sex before marriage.. I think for 80% girls in Poland it isn't stupid :)



lol !!!! you defend your society not your religion!!!!!!

06:20 PM Jun 03 2009 |




and only in Islam are lots of wars..

What wars are you talking about, unless if you mean: 

1) War in Afhganistan 

2) War in Iraq 

3) The funded invasion of Somalia 

4) The funded struggle between Israel and Palestine, in which American politicians repeatedly speak of their support for Israel.

5) The potential war against Iran, which has been repeatedly threatened.

6) The threats directed at Syria.

7) America backing Israel in the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

These wars are not "in islam", but Westerns and Zionists  who hate us and at the same time are in deep love with our lands and mineral resources caused these wars.

Here is another question  : "How many times in your lifetime have you lived on a war-stricken piece of land where your rights are constantly violated, your people killed, and you're surrounded by nothing but pain and hardship? How can you consider yourself to be in any position to even attempt to judge such people?"


06:23 PM Jun 03 2009 |




I read a bit Quran…. And also they read about bit wives :D what about it ? :) heh.. Special my Priest gave me Quran and showed me about it.. I read.. rly, rly sad..

Do you actually want to discuss the issues at hand or do you just want to post misinformation and half truths whilst not answering any questions that have been asked of you?

Seriously. All you've done is state your opinions over and over rather than taking the time to digest the information that you were seeking. If you wish to hear answers from Muslims, listen.

06:33 PM Jun 03 2009 |




when i came here to ebaby 2 years before,i have had the same thoughts as you patie….

i am sure the Muslim girls will show you that even our European culture isn't much better,i guess our sexual life  isn't better here are also men who have sexual contact to different women , or the christian are sure not more peaceful, look at the wars christians starts in the past till in the future…


06:44 PM Jun 03 2009 |