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Life Talk!

Why do you defend Islam ?




I want to say something..

Lots of people defend this religion..Ok I understand because it is your religion..I defend my religion too !

But in these countries : Uzbekistan, Iran, Azerbejdzan , Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc… are always wars !  Lots of people die.. Lots of polish people are killed there !Lots of children are occupied there.. mother with children!

or Bin Laden.. He is from one of these countries.. and as we know he caused the attack to World Trate Center.. ! and there died lots of people !

Secondly… ( I don't want to start topic about sex again ) but you say it's bad..it's sin.. but we can make sin and then we confide.. sins are so that we do them and then we confide, right ? From all sins we can confide!


For catholic is stupid and forbid to have 2,3,4 wives! We MUSN'T have more than 1 wive/husband.We must  choose good wife/husband for all our life..when we marry we swear to love unti death. When we get doforced it is BIG SIN… maybe as big as SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE… so you can do it.. coz you have more than 1 wife..! so Understand it.. that we can do sex before marriage.. Thx it we can have experience ;)


Sorry that almost whole my topic applicable Muslim or Islam.. But I really want to know it.




04:17 PM Jun 03 2009 |

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beacause if anyone think with his mind he will find that it is the most logic religion that suits the brain and heart and i can reply to any other queston related to the best religion.

07:24 PM Feb 25 2010 |



politics cause war not islam.islam is the most innocent but they always want to blaim it for their own benefits

07:28 PM Feb 25 2010 |



i hope u understand quran very well in order to know.also islam appreciate girls and treat them as jewels.sex is forbidden before marriage to make the girl more precius instead of letting any guy use her for a while then leaving her

07:33 PM Feb 25 2010 |



u have to take the religion as a whole not what does and doesnt suit u.when u love a man u take him as awhole .he will have many characters that wont suit u but u will accept them cz u love him.so when u love god who is only one u shold accept every thing he orders u to doeven if its hard and takes time.think about god and loving him….

07:49 PM Feb 25 2010 |



please dont say bad opinions before  u knw very well.please ask and i am ready to answer u

07:52 PM Feb 25 2010 |